I am a cliché

Monday, August 9, 2010

Les Rencontres Photographiques d'Arles 2010. Du lourd et du piquant.
Less hot than last year thank God, so windy but it was such a lovely way to spend a friday.

Alright, Ernst Haas was stunning.
The shoot exhibition really interesting, almost fascinating. You can play in the end, try to shoot and get a picture of yourself un fusil dans la main.
Nice set up of the Patrick Bouchain exhibition.
I am a cliché, was full of rock. Un peu trop presque.
And I liked a lot the Claude Gassian exhibition (last picture).

Mary did a lot of clichés with her lovely rollei which has a charming "clic sound".
A tiny clic from the 60's !

And I must say mille mercis à Bertrand pour le pass vip. Trop la classe !