Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Come Darkness, MORE & CO Studio, 112 High Street, Portland, Maine. 

On December 7th opens the Come Darkness show at More & Co, the creative studio in Portland, Maine. Come Darkness is an homage to welcoming winter and the darkness that comes along with it. I am exhibiting for this edition with a photograph done last year and which embodies mon premier hiver parisien, something abstract, dark & enigmatic.
It is my very first exhibition as a photographer ( !! ), quite weird not to be there with the team but if you, american reader, have a chance to drop by the studio, buy a print ! Comme je sais que vous êtes une bande de petits curieux, you can have more informations if you click here.  More to come soon.
I am truly lucky to have these fantastic people around, they are such a great team, it means a lot to me to do this with them. 
PS : En gros, je la fait courte, je suis hystérique.
PS 2 : Oui, oui ma photo sur l'invitation. Double Hystérie.