Les grandes personnes

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Emily Ulmer was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. She began her career taking portraits of young people in that pivotal moment of transition from adolescence to adulthood and has since become attracted to documenting another key moment in life, that of childhood. Emily attempts to show the beauty of childhood in its most natural state, without the romanticizing interpretation of the adult eye. She sees her images as a momentary impression of a point in time that we all leave behind.

I love the simplicity of these. They express so much.
There is so much to say about the attitudes children can have.
How they look at you, how they smile at you, how "ils font le lion", mon neveu il est champion du monde du lion-making face... Avec le grrrr en prime.

Life. It's weird.
When you are a kid you dream to grow up fast and live an adult life and be free.
And when you're an adult & dealing with your everyday life, you just wish you could go back in the kindergarden, eat des madeleines à la pelle, do some stupid things and be happy. Sans réfléchir. L'insouciance quoi.

But you know what they say.
"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then, it's NOT THE END".

PS : Changed some of the pictures which were kind of strechted out...