La promesse de l'aube

Monday, September 26, 2011

I have some great news, many of you already know this, but I haven't talked about it here yet.
I am moving to Paris !
The beginning of the year has been very hard to handle for me. Emotionally it was a rollercoaster. Much sadness, pain and disappointments. Life is though, hard and you have to do with it. It made me think about so much things, I questionned everything, my studies, my work, my personal choices and the directions I had to take. It wasn't easy to deal with all that but I am happy now, because it is the very good time for something new. 
I'm excited to move to Paris for a fantastic project I have always been dreaming of. 
I'll put this blog on a break up to a point. But hopefully not for too long. 
I am VERY VERY VERY happy to finally share the news with you.
PS : Merci pour vos doux mots & mails d'anniversaire.